Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Amazing Timetable!

Every weekend Koka Ngaire or Matua Fergus sends to Moana Learning Hub a google form. We know what level at and how to work towards our goals - this helps us to know what workshops to sign up to.

Once we have signed up for workshops, we go to our timetable and fill in the workshops that we have during the week.   We have some gaps in our timetable, so we then fill these gaps with Links to Learning activities. Some of these activities include: word work, basic fact challenge, read to self, quick write.

I think that the timetable is a new way of learning that I haven't used before.  It is good because you know what you are doing next and it is organised.  You fill out your timetable at the start of the week and you follow it.   My challenge is to remember when my workshops are so that I am not late.   I like the workshops because I am learning something I don't already know or something that I need improving with.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lani, I like how you explained some of the links to learning and that you were very clear with what you wanted to say. I totally agree with you that it's quite hard to remember when our workshops are. Good job!


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